Playeres can acquire various items (weapons, armors, potions, etc.) dropped from chests. Item rarity is divided into 2 tiers: Common and Unique and every weapon can have up to 4 tiers differing in their stats and efficiency. Items have several different stat modifiers depending on their exclusivity.

AdorabladeOne handed sword | Unique
Benefits from spell damage instead of attack power

BrittlesteelOne handed sword | Unique
20% chance to apply a random effect

CanOpenerOne handed sword | Common
30% chance to apply bleed effect

CogbladeOne handed sword | Common
Double benefit from base critical chance

CompanionOne handed sword | Common
Increases your main attribute by tier

Eye Of The LuneOne handed sword | Unique
Deals 5% of maximum mana as damage

FissurizerOne handed sword | Common
Remove all positive effects from enemy

IronSwordOne handed sword | Common
Increases xp gained from enemies by 10%

SawtoothOne handed sword | Common
Physical damage INCREASED BY 14%

ScimitarOne handed sword | Common
Critical chance INCREASED BY 13%

SpelldrinkerOne handed sword | Unique
20% mana leech

TowerbladeOne handed sword | Common
Improve blocking by 100%

AxewheelOne handed axe | Common
20% chance to additional AoE damage

Imperial AxeOne handed axe | Common
50% to break block

MouthbreatherOne handed axe | Common
Bonus damage per unspent skill point

PioneerOne handed axe | Common
Disables health regeneration on enemies

QuillbaldeOne handed axe | Common
20% life leech

SouleaterOne handed axe | Unique
Attacks cost 5% of your current HP and deal 5% of your max HP as bonus damage

Woodcutter’s AxeOne handed axe | Common
30% chance that enviro hazards drop potion

BonerattlerOne handed mace | Common
10% chance to knockdown enemies

Goblin MaceOne handed mace | Common
25% chance to stun enemies

Imperial MaceOne handed mace | Common
30% chance to stun enemies

Iron MaceOne handed mace | Unique
30% chance to stun enemies, deals damage equals to 70% of your armor

PorcupineOne handed mace | Common
30% chance to slow enemies

SkullBreakerOne handed mace | Common
30% chance to stun enemies

Imperial AxeTwo handed axe | Common
Increases physical damage by 10%

Titan SlayerTwo handed axe | Unique
50% bonus damage against large enemies

Wind SlasherTwo handed axe | Common
20% chance to additional AoE damage

WoodCutter’s DoubleaxeTwo handed axe | Common
Destroying hazards adds bonus armor

CoupDeGraceTwo handed mace | Unique
Chance to instantly kill enemy increased by it’s missing health

EarthshakerTwo handed mace | Common
20% chance to knockdown enemies

Imperial HammerTwo handed mace | Common
Physical damage INCREASED BY 10%

Skull CrusherTwo handed mace | Common
30% chance to AoE stun

Bone DaggerDagger | Common
25% increased backstab damage

Imperial DaggerDagger | Common
Increased movement speed by 10%

Poison DaggerDagger | Common
60% chance to apply bleed effect

TwinbladeDagger | Unique
Double benefit from base critical chance

Goblin StingerOne handed crossbow | Common
15% chance to pushback opponent

Imperial StingerOne handed crossbow | Common
Physical damage INCREASED BY 11%

Pocket BallistaOne handed crossbow | Common
Double benefit from your power bar

Scatter GoodOne handed crossbow | Unique
Attacks deal 2% of current money but costs 2% money units

Double Action CrossbowTwo handed crossbow | Common
30% chance to shoot two bolts

Fire SpitterTwo handed crossbow | Unique
Physical damage INCREASED BY 11%
30% chance to ignite enemies

Goblin CrossbowTwo handed crossbow | Common
20% chance to pushback opponent

Imperial CrossbowTwo handed crossbow | Common
Physical damage INCREASED BY 7%

Goblin ShieldShield | Common

Skeletal ShieldShield | Common

Standard ShieldShield | Common

Dark ArmorVanguard | Chest | Unique
5% chance to regenerate health on being hit

Harbringer ArmorVanguard | Chest | Common
10% damage return

Runic ArmorVanguard | Chest | Common
1% to all stats

Assassins ChestShadow | Chest | Unique
Increase critical chance by 3%

Forest ChestShadow | Chest | Common
5% change to regenerate mana on being hit

Runic ChestShadow | Chest | Common
1% to all stats

Inverted ChestElemental Engineer | Chest | Unique
5% to your spell damage is added to physical

Lunarist ChestElemental Engineer | Chest | Common
+7% spell damage

Runic ChestElemental Engineer | Chest | Common
1% to all stats

Dark HeadVanguard | Head | Unique
5% change to regenerate health on being hit

Harbinger HeadVanguard | Head | Common
10% damage return

Runic HeadVanguard | Head | Common
1% to all stats

Assassins HeadShadow | Head | Unique
Increase critical chance by 3%

Forest HeadShadow | Head | Common
5% change to regenerate mana on being hit

Runic HeadShadow | Head | Common
1% to all stats

Inverted HeadElemental Engineer | Head | Unique
5% to your spell damage is added to physical

Lunarist HeadElemental Engineer | Head | Common
+7% spell damage

Runic HeadElemental Engineer | Head | Common
1% to all stats

Dark ShouldersVanguard | Shoulders | Unique
5% change to regenerate health on being hit

Harbinger ShouldersVanguard | Shoulders | Common
10% damage return

Runic ShouldersVanguard | Shoulders | Common
1% to all stats

Assassins ShouldersShadow | Shoulders | Unique
Increase critical chance by 3%

Forest ShouldersShadow | Shoulders | Common
5% change to regenerate mana on being hit

Runic ShouldersShadow | Shoulders | Common
1% to all stats

Inverted ShouldersElemental Engineer | Shoulders | Unique
5% to your spell damage is added to physical

Lunarist ShouldersElemental Engineer | Shoulders | Common
+7% spell damage

Runic ShouldersElemental Engineer | Shoulders | Common
1% to all stats

Dark BootsVanguard | Boots | Unique
5% change to regenerate health on being hit

Harbinger BootsVanguard | Boots | Common
10% damage return

Runic BootsVanguard | Boots | Common
1% to all stats

Assassins BootsShadow | Boots | Unique
Increase critical chance by 3%

Forest BootsShadow | Boots | Common
5% change to regenerate mana on being hit

Runic BootsShadow | Boots | Common
1% to all stats

Inverted BootsElemental Engineer | Boots | Unique
5% to your spell damage is added to physical

Lunarist BootsElemental Engineer | Boots | Common
+7% spell damage

Runic BootsElemental Engineer | Boots | Common
1% to all stats

Poison NecklaceNecklace
Elemental resistance INCREASED BY 60%

Blood NecklaceNecklace
Physical damage INCREASED BY 15%
Physical damage reduction INCREASED BY -25%

Fire NecklaceNecklace
Fire resistance INCREASED BY 60%

Frost NecklaceNecklace
20% chance to slow attacking enemies

Lunar NecklaceNecklace
Max mana INCREASED BY 12%
Mana regeneration INCREASED BY 12%

Skeletal NecklaceNecklace
Physical damage reduction INCREASED BY 10%

Spying NecklaceNecklace
Reveals map when worn

Fire RingRing
Fire damage INCREASED BY 12%

Frost RingRing
20% chance to slow enemies

Goblin RingRing
Critical chance INCREASED BY 12%

Lunar RingRing
+7% spell damage

Poison RingRing
Elemental damage INCREASED BY 12%

Skeletal RingRing
Critical damage INCREASED BY 12%

Health Potion
Restore health

Mana Potion
Restore mana