Tribal Warrior
Basic tribal unit with melee attacks. Although he only deals a low melee damage, he is able to charge.
- Melee – basic attack with sword
- Charge – runs towards the player with increased speed

Tribal Archer
Nimble ranged unit wielding a crossbow. Best way to deal with them is closing the distance as fast as possible.
- Shot – basic shot with crossbow
- Bolt burst – fires three arrows in a short interval

Tribal Berserker
A heavier variant of the Tribal Warrior. Has significantly higher HP and can perform a special attack staggering the player.
- Melee – basic attack with axe
- Kick – interrupts and pushes the enemies in front of the berserker

Tribal Shaman
A slow support unit which can buff and heal enemy units.
- Melee – basic attack with stuff
- Heal – heals a single target unit while charging energy at them
- Damage buff – casts a beneficial spell on a friendly target which increases the target’s damage for a short duration

Tribal Elite
This elite warrior wielding two swords is fast and has the ability to leap onto the player character dealing damage as well as block incoming attacks.
- Melee – basic attack with swords
- Mighty leap – leaps at the player and lands a powerful attack
- Counterattack – performs a block with both his weapons and after a short delay executes a slash attack

Tribal Ogre
This tough special unit is carrying a large totem which causes AoE damage.
- Melee – basic attack with hand
- Earthshake – raises totem to the air and then bashes the ground so the player is knocked down and highly damaged

Tribal Boss
A wooden creature held together by vines and brought to life through the power of Lunarium.
- Charge – a charge attack where it attempts to ram the player knocking them down
- Slam – a powerful AoE ability where it stands up on its hind legs and slams the ground creating magical totems which can heal him
- Lunar blood (Phase2) – Lunarium starts bleeding out of the beast temporarily poisoning the ground wherever it goes

Skeletal Warrior
The basic variant of the skeletal faction armed with a sword.
- Melee – basic attack with sword
- Blade charge – runs towards the player. Inflicts damage on hit

Skeletal Hunter
A ranged basic skeletal unit.
- Shot – basic shot with bow

Skeletal Shaman
This support unit can perform powerful bone magic.
- Melee – basic attack with stuff
- Corrupted soil – creates corrupted soil at the player’s current location. If the player stays in the area, they take damage every second and their movement speed is slightly slowed

Skeletal Executor
A special unit with a spear that gives them extraordinary reach in their melee attacks.
- Melee – basic attack with spear
- Shadow spear – throws a shadow copy spear towards the player. It has slow speed but deals high damage upon hit

Skeletal Tuskborn
A special unit with tusks attached to its arms. He is dangerous due to his fast attacks.
- Melee – basic attack with tusks
- Enrage – enters a rage mode after a short delay, increasing his damage and attack speed

Skeletal Shambler
A unit consumed by bone magic that caused rampant growth of his bones. He can cause bones to strike from the ground impaling his enemies.
- Melee – basic attack with bones
- Roots of death – slams his hands into the ground and after a short delay causes bone spikes to burst out at a nearby location. Any target standing close to them will be damaged and also rooted for a short time

Skeletal Boss
The boss is a huge monstrosity made out of bones. The bone structure resembles a giant ground sloth. In order to defeat it, the player needs to destroy its claws to get to the lunar heart in its chest. The boss consists of 3 phases. To enter another phase, the player needs to destroy his arms. He then regrows a new unique pair of arms.
- Melee (All phases) – basic attack with hands
- Roots of Death (Phase 2) – causes bone spikes to burst out at a nearby location
- Resurrect (Phase 3) – revives nearby fallen allies

Goblin Rogue
Shifty, sword-wielding melee unit with a buckler able to parry attacks.
- Melee – basic attack with sword
- Block – block with shield

Goblin Spearman
A variation on the swordsman with longer reach and a shield.
- Melee – basic attack with spear
- Block – block with shield

Goblin Axeman
The heavy melee basic unit with a two handed axe capable of staggering the opponent.
- Melee – basic attack with axe
- Mighty strike – strong attack with knockdown

Goblin Marksman
A ranged nimble unit with a crossbow.
- Shot – basic shot with crossbow
- Fire bolt – shoots a fire arrow

Goblin Flamenut
This goblin is carrying a flamethrower which deals medium AoE damage in regular bursts.
- Flaming – channelling flame for a short duration. Cannot spew flame for a short duration after performing this ability
- Fireball – closes the jaws of the flamethrower, it will start vibrating and after a short delay a powerful fireball is released

Goblin Grenadier
The Grenadier throws volatile glass flasks that explode on impact.
- Throw – throws volatile glass flasks
- Dropped bombs – drops bombs when he dies which explode after a slight delay

Goblin Juggernaut
With this sturdy headpiece, the goblin Juggernaut is unafraid to charge into battle head first.
- Charge – charges forward dealing damage upon hit

Goblin Boxer
The goblin who likes it close and personal. With his spiked gloves, he’s ready to make you his personal punching bag.
- Punch – basic melee

Goblin Marksman Elite
An elite marksman with special arrows.
- Shot – basic shot with crossbow
- Poison bolt – shoots a poison arrow

Goblin Cave Troll
The unleashed Troll pumped full with Lunarium. Its movement and attacks are more erratic but all the more brutal.
- Melee – basic melee with sword
- Earthshake – slows nearby enemy units with each step
- Earthstrike – slams the ground dealing damage in a straight line

Goblin Boss
A mecha-like, heavily armored machine constructed by the goblins to wreak havoc on the battlefield. It is equipped with a flamethrower, can toss bombs and has a saw for melee attacks. The player needs to switch between close combat and distance depending on the attack pattern. It has several modes that can be switched multiple times mid combat by rotating ist heads.
- Flame Jaw – shoots fire in a cone
- Winch Jaw – shoots out a rope pulling the player towards the mecha
- Drill Attack – basic attack using drills
- Bomb Toss – The goblin driver throws exploding bombs randomly

Wolf Basic
A wolf enemy attacking with its muzzle.
- Melee – basic melee with muzzle
- Bleeding – melee attacks with muzzle causes bleeding

Wolf Alpha
The alpha version of the regular wolf.
- Melee – basic melee with muzzle
- Horror howl – howls in the air, buff nearby wolves

Insectoid Small
Small flying enemy that attacks with a venomous stinger.
- Melee – basic melee with stinger

Insectoid Big
Small flying enemy that attacks with a venomous stinger.
- Melee – basic melee with stinger
- Chitinous Coil – curls into a ball and rolls towards the player

Swamp Fishman
A small fish-like humanoid that leaps out of the swamp.

Swamp Fishman Big
This fishman is based on a sea devil. It is capable of spitting acid at the player.